Wednesday, February 16, 2011

February 16, 2011

Chinese Method of Multiplying
These are problems Teresa shared in class

Unit Rate and Scale Factor

Unit Rate is always talking about change in rate of a unit.  Change per one unit of measurement.

Scale Factor - if you know how much 2 gallons of gas is you can figure out how much 10 gallons of gas are.

Indirect Variation - not proportional

Percentages - 

25% of $100,000 = $75,000 - so, a loss of $25,000.  This is based off the amount I started with $100,000.  To increase $75,000  to $100,000 it's NOT and 25% increase it is a 33% increase because you are increasing from the amount started with $75,000.

Review for test

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Van de wall pg. 351 - problem about the flowers growing 3 inches.

Math Snacks Video - Bad Date - great explanation about ratios

Strip Model
(Beckmen softback book) Class activity 7 B

Double Number Line
  • Can make quick comparisons using double numberline

Finding lengths using ratios/proportions.

Similar objects

If you Hopped Like a Frog
There are problems at the end of the book that are great for students to do.

Brian Greene says math is the gateway to reality and calls Stephen a bag of particles governed by the laws of physics. (05:58)

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Brian Greene
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogVideo Archive


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Reflection for Jan. 26th Class

I really enjoyed trying to figure out how to model dividing fractions.  This is a tough topic for me to really "grasp".  I still feel like I would have a difficult time explaining the "why" to students.  I liked the example I was able to find online....I posted the PowerPoint slides on my blog.  This example made sense, until we had to work on a more difficult problem and then suddenly I was lost again.  My question is, would I really want to explain this to students?  I worry that explaining it would confuse the students.