Wednesday, November 10, 2010

October 27th Reflection

I really liked the cauldron activity.  What a great activity to help demonstrate the addition and subtraction of integers.  For example, -7 - 5 is n -7 subtract +5.  Doing this problem using the cauldron can help me demonstrate what this means.  It also helps demonstrate "zero pairs".  So when I have -7 (which is the yellow pieces in my cauldron) I can't take out 5 positives (the green pieces) so that is why I add my zero pairs and I can now take out 5 positives and when I take those out, I am left with the answer.  My question about this is, when do teachers teach about adding and subtracting integers.  As they are teaching addition and subtraction?  I guess, since I am not in the classroom, I can't picture when I would do this type of activity.

Ahhhh....teaching addition and subtraction of integers using the number bond.  I totally get the addition of integers, but for some reason I struggle with the subtraction of integers. The more I worked with the problems, I was starting to get it.  I was never taught to look at addition and subtraction problems as part part whole.  This class is challenging me to remember that, but this is good for me.

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