Wednesday, September 14, 2011

September14, 2012

Research Paper

  • Read and reflect on 2 articles about assessment
  • 3-5 page paper
  • Due in two weeks 
  • APA style
  • is a great resource for created bibliographies
Common Assessment
  • Take standards and learning objectives and align them with the curriculum
  • curriculum is aligned with essential outcomes
  • are created by same grade level teachers (elementary) or same department (secondary)
  • the goal is that the students get "The Big Rocks"
  • help identify groups of students who need additional support and time to ensure their learning
Common Assessments are NOT
  • a lock step mechanical manner in which to teach
  • designed to evaluate teachers

PLC's or Data Teams
  • analyze and study data from the CFAs
  • where students learning lagged
  • areas of shortcomings
  • areas of strength
  • what to reteach
  • which students require additional support/enrichment/intervention
  • short term/long term systemic solutions
Characteristics of Quality Common Assessments
  • teacher/team generated
  • all students take the same content assessment regardless of who their teacher may be
  • item analysis occurs at the end of assessment
  • narrative summary/analysis using the data (What's the next step?)
Questions to Ponder
  • What do we want our students to know?
  • How will we know they have learned it?
  • What do we do when they do not learn it? Or already know it?
Common Assessments Assure:
  • that all students will learn a set of specific common unit objectives
  • that every student will learn the same content regardless of which teacher they were assigned

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