Wednesday, December 15, 2010

December 15, 2010

Homework Review

Beckman activity manuel pg 8

Representing decimals as lengths

Manipulatives to help students understand decimals and negative numbers


  • Money
  • Base 10 blocks
    • The big cube is 1, the square is .10, strip of 10 ones is .01, and one tiny cube is .001
  • Strips
  • Fraction circles
  • Number lines
  • Adapted base ten system

Base 10 activity (Van de Wall pg 333) 
Activity 17.2


Percent - the term percent comes from per centan which mean "of 100".  So a percent is of 100, it is a decimal. It is the hundredths spot in a decimal.  When the denominator is 100, it is a percent.

If a student has mastered decimals and fractons, you can teach them percents in a day.  They will pick up this concept fast.

My Groups example of finding 15% or 

Two other group examples of how to use a model to find 15% increase of $90
3 column model.  Steve took the $90 and broke it into 10 increments of 9, and divided one of the 9s in half, so he took 1 9 and the half (4.5) and the increase is 13.5
Realistic Percent Problems
  • Realistic percent problems are still the best way to assess a student's understanding of percent.  Students can relate and gain a better understanding if they are solving a problem they relate to.
  • Don't give students strategies when they are learning to solve percents.  Students will have to think deeper about what a percent is, and often times they will relate percents back to fractions and decimals.
  • We need to teach our students how to think for themselves.
Beckman Hardcover pg 84 #1

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