Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January 5, 2011

Great Benchmark Fraction Activities

Hundredths disk -

  • Cut out the pink and white circles
  • Cut along the dotted line
  • Put the circles together
Students look at the side that doesn't have lines and predict sizes of different fractions such as 2/5 1/4 30/100, 16/32.  Students then turn the circles over and see if they are correct.

Organize fractions, percentages and decimals into equal groups.

  • Strategies
    • Elimination - do what you know first
    • Organize cards
Best Match

  • Strategies
    • Students will take what they know about fractions, decimals and percentages and order them on the numberline.  For example, they will start ordering the fractions, and then when they need to place decimals on that same numberline they may either try to look at each decimal as a fraction or each fraction as a decimal.  (1/4 is the same as .25 so .267 would be places after 1/4 or .25)
    • Students can take fractions and relate them to fractions that they know.  For example, 2/7 is close close 2/8 which is 1/4.  9/11 is close to 9/12 which is 3/4. AKA - Friendly fractions
I have/Who has activity
  • Each student is given a card that says something like, "I have 0.84 (eighty-four hundredths) Who has the fraction equivalent for 0.04 (four hundredths)?  The student who has the equivalent fraction will read what is on their card.  This is a great way to help students practice mastery and automaticity.  This will give students a chance to practice doing math mentally.


Read Van de Wall section on adding fractions pgs 312 - 317

1 comment:

Amy Rang said...

EXCELLENT math products. We love I Have/ Who Has for review of math facts and terms.