What is Algebra - a brainstormed list done by the group.
(Screenshots taken from A Maths Dictionary for Kids 2011)
Terms we need to know

Equation - number sentence with numbers and symbols. You have to have an equal sign, and the problem has to be solvable.
Operation - What you do to the numbers. Add, multiply, subtract, divide
Variable - sumbol that represents the unknown. Usually a letter, in lower grades its a box, shape or line. Example - 5x (x is the variable)
Constant - Doesn't change. A 3 is always a 3, 5 is always a 5
Inequality - not equal in size, amount or value
Function - For each input, there is one output.
Order of Operations
Read 254 - 256 in Van de Wall
Problems on the worksheets
1/2 gal cardboard - start collecting
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