Wednesday, December 14, 2011

December 14, 2011

Review of last week
Find a line that is perpendicular to another line
Remember: to find a perpendicular line the slope is the negative reciprocal
to find a parallel line the slope stays the same
always solve for b (the y intercept)

Writing Linear Equations

  • You must have the slope and the y=intercept in order to write a linear equation
  • to find the slope use the formula m = y2-y1/x2-x1
  • to find the y-intercept use the formula b = y - mx

Encourage teachers to think like their students as they discuss the attributes of the different shapes.  What are rules you would use to sort these shapes?
1. No straight edges vs straight edges
2.  No vertices vs vertices
3.  Line segments vs line segments
4.  How many curves/curved sides
5.  Parallel lines
6.  Arcs
7.  Concave vs convex

1. Concave vs Convex
2.  Vertices
3.  # of Arcs
4. Angles vs no angles
1.  # of sides
2.  Angles
3.  Concave vs. convex
4.  Regular polygons vs irregular
5.  # of peaks
6. Parallel vs nonparallel
How would you sort these shapes?

How would you sort these shapes?

Relationship of the interior angles of a triangle - they add up to 180 degrees
The total sum of the exterior angles of a triangle are 360 degrees

Sorting triangles
E = equilateral triangle
H = equilateral triangle
J = Right triangle, isosceles
A = right, scalene
F = Right, scalene
I = right, scalene
B = isosceles
C = isosceles
L = scalene
G = isosceles
Types of triangles : 
  • scalene - all three sides are different lengths
  • isosceles - two sides of the triangle are the same length
  • equilateral - all three sides are equal in length
  • acute - all three angles are acute angles
  • obtuse - triangle has an obtuse angle
  • right - triangle has a right angle
**Technically in geometry you don't classify triangles as acute or obtuse**


properties of sides:one pair of parallel sides, if non-parallel sides are equal the shape is an isosceles trapezoid
properties of angles = can be 2 acute or 2 obtuse

2 sets of parallel lines
4 sides
angels: opposite angles are the same
properties of diagonals - nothing special here
Properties of sides - all sides are parallel and equal in lengs
Properties of angles: all right angles
diagonals: perpendicular, bisect, and congruent

Properties of sides: opposite sides are parallel, opposite sides are equal in length
Properties of angles: all angles are right angles
diagonals: are not perpendicular, they always bisect each other, diagonals will alway create identical triangles
properties of sides: all sides are equal in length
properties of angles: opposite angles are equal, 2 obtuse and 2 acute
diagonals: perpendicular and bisect

Number of sides - 2 = how many triangles
number of triangle x 180 = sum of interior angles
The more sides of a polygon the smaller the exterior angles.  All exterior angles add up to 360 degrees.

Read: Beckman 599-602

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