Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Reflection - September 15

1.  A mathematical idea from the session that is new or important.
  • I have always thought it was important to have students explain how they solved a problem.  By letting students explain their process, other students learn that there is more than one way to solve a math problem.  I can see why it is important to teach students about the different properities such as commutative and associative.
 2.  A question I have.
  • Why and how would I teach students about compensation without confusing them.  I had a difficult time with the compensation activity in class, and left with the conclusion I wouldn't teach my students that strategy.   
3.  An application of the mathematical idea for my classroom.
  • Like I said earlier, I like having students share how they solve different problems.  When students are at the whiteboard solving and explaining their problem, I need to make sure I point out the use of different properities.  For example, if I can see that a student used the associative property, I need to point that out to the rest of the class.  I think that would make the learning more meaningful. 

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