Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as fractions and decimals
Irrational numbers - numbers that you cannot find a perfect square of. "pie" is an irrational number, numbers that keep repeating
Natural numbers - the counting number not including zero,
Whole numbers - counting numbers including zero, don't include negative numbers
Integers - negative numbers, positive numbers and zero. NOT including fractions and decimals.
3 - real, rational, integer, natural
-3 - integer, rational, real
3.33 - rational, real
1/2 - rational, real
√7 - irrational, real
pie - irrational and real
√25 - natural, whole, integer, rational, real
9/3 - natural, whole, integer, rational, real
√16/4 - natural, whole, integer, rational, real
43 - natural, whole, integer, rational, real
e - irrational, real
Number Bonds
Addition is always part plus part equals whole
Subtraction is whole minus part to find the other part
Multiplying Integers
negative x negative = positive
positive x positive = positive
positive x negative = negative
negative x positive = negative
The first statement is the who The second is the action (what happened) and the = is the result.
- Mother Teresa wins the lottery = a good thing ( + x + = +)
- Mother Teresa gets mugged = a bad thing (+ x -- = --)
- The Devil wins the lottery = a bad thing (-- x + = --)
- The Devil gets mugged = a good thing (-- x -- = +)
positive - Eric Bana
action - wins an oscar
negative - Lindsay Lohan
negative action - bad accident and gets deformed
- Eric Bana wins an oscar = a good thing - he gets more movie opportunities (+ x + = +)
- Eric Bana gets in a horrible car crash and gets deformed = a bad thing no more acting career for Eric Bana (+ x -- = -)
- Lindsay Lohan wins an oscar = a bad thing - Why on earth would she win an oscar? She's a horrible actress (-- x + = --)
- Lindsay Lohan gets in a horrible car crash and gets deformed = a good thing - she can get out of the spotlight and rebuild her life. (-- x -- = +)
Distributive Property
Trichotomy - there are three relationship 2 integers can have and only three.
- negative <
- less than >
- equal to =
This is a transitivity statement; a = b b = c => a = c
6 < 8, 8 < 10 => 6 <10