Wednesday, October 20, 2010

October 12th Reflection

I feel like I didn't get very much from last weeks class.  Part of the is my fault, since I was late coming to class.  I feel like each week I leave with different strategies for teaching that particular different, and this week I left knowing about the scaffolding method for divison and the lattice mathod for multiplication.  I really liked learning the scaffolding method, I have never seen that before and can see how that could help some students with the whole division process.  I thought it was funny how long we spent talking about the different ways to remember the steps to division, Multiply, Divide, Subtract, Bring Down.  Some teachers are very creative, I was boring when I taught this to my students.  I just had a poster I created that was on my whiteboard and as we solved the division problem we would put a check mark next to each step as we finished it. 

Was there more I should have gotten from last week's class? 

1 comment:

Miss Cole said...

Most other comments really focused on the whole part-pat-whole idea. Realizing that in subtraction and division you are always given the whole and a part and want to find the other part; whereas in addition and multiplication you always have the 2 parts and are looking for the whole.

They were also intrigued by how some students loved the scaffolding method as a fun challenge and some of the other struggling students found it so much easier. Interesting.