Tuesday, October 26, 2010

October 20, 2010

What have we learned?  Things to make sure I am familiar with for the content test at the end of this class....

  • Part Part Whole -
  • Commutative Propery
  • Associative Property
  • Distributive Property
  • Identity Property
  • Zero Property
  • Concrete - Representational - Abstract
  • Set/Measurement Models
  • Base Ten
    • Standard
    • Expanded
    • Word
    • Shortened
    • One to one correspondent
  • Terminology
    • "Nice" numbers
    • Regrouping
  • Inverse operation
  • Operations
    • +
    • -
    • x
    • divide
  • Hops, jumps, skip counting
  • Array
  • Area
  • Compensation Method
  • Algorithm
  • Minuend
  • Addened
  • Difference
  • Factor
  • Sum
  • Product
  • Compatable numbers
  • Rounding
  • Estimating
  • Shortened form
  • Partitive
  • Quotative

  • We started with counting, then there is zero, and then progressed to Integers which includes negative numbers. 
  • The number line is a tool kids should be familiar with.
    • Where do the negative integers start?  With -1, don't include the fractions that fall between zero and 1. 
  • Less than - numbers to the left of that number on number line

  • Greater than - numbers to the right of that number on the number line

  • Absolute Value - how far a number is from Zero 

      • The point of absolute value is distance, and is used in physics
    • Opposites - relationship between numbers that make the whole number Zero.

      Addition = Part + Part = Whole
      Subtraction = Whole - Part = Part

      Readings for Next Week
      Van de Wall pgs 479 - 481 - Integers 481 - 486 (problems - look at them)
      Parker - pgs 185 - 189

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